We are Super Khespy Products

Super Khespy was born of the necessity to show Peruvian forest and super foods products; we are a Peruvian Company and we are proud of our culture, ancestors, food, forest and much more.
But what exactly means Super Khespy?
We called us Super because Super define us as a wonderful country; Peru has a large variety of exquisite food with a lot of health benefits but not only super foods, we also have forest products (Non – Timber forest products that were used by Incas and ancient cultures and has great benefits for us).
Furthermore many people ask us, why Khespy?
Khespy means “Transparent” is a original word of Aymara culture but after the arrival of the Spaniards, Khespy become Quispe, so this is the last name of this familiar company that also means “The One Who Shines”; in both case we want to show to our clients that we are transparent company; but also we can shine and became a company who help the people to improve their healthy or to show them a new way of healthy food.
That is why we invite you to try our super foods and forest products both are super and are going to make you shine! Try them, Leave a comment and share!